42 Most Beautiful & Realistic Origami Flowers

Origami roses such as the Kawasaki Rose are a pretty popular thing to fold however many different origami artists have folded a wide variety of different flowers.
Often times these flowers are so good that they look exactly like the real thing, especially if they’re planted in flower pots. The advantage of course is that these flowers will never wilt.
The first set of flowers we’ll look at this this bleeding heart model. The entire branch of flowers is folded from one sheet of paper. This particular photo has been colour corrected in Photoshop because the folder didn’t have pink and white paper but it is designed to have that colour change if you’re using paper that’s pink on one side and white on the other.
Bleeding Heart, Designed and Folded by Daniel Robinson
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If you’re ok with using a bunch of different sheets of paper you can fold something incredible like this flower tree.
The Tree Grows, Designed and Folded by Gonzalo Benavente
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When it comes to folding origami flowers and plants Tran Trung Hieu is an absolute master, here’s his dandelion plant folded at different stages on its life.
Sprouting Dandelion, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Dendelion v1.3, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s a beautiful paper vase with two wild roses.
Wild Roses Designed by Nilva Fina Pillan and Vas Designed by Tomoko Fuse. All Folded by Andrea Borsa
Vase diagrams available in ORU Magazine #9
Tran Trung Hieu folded these beautiful origami flowers as a gift for his friend. His friend is certainly lucky to receive a gift that looks this nice!
Primula, Designed by Yoshihide Momotani and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s an absolutely beautiful orchid design by Sebastien Limet. The flower itself is folded from a frog base and the rest of the plant is folded using a couple extra sheets of paper with different colours.
Spirit Flower, Designed and Folded by Sebastien Limet
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Planting these origami flowers in little pots with some real stones is a very nice touch.
Cyclamen, Designed by Yoshihide Momotani and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
Peter Keller has been experimenting and developing his own origami rose design. Here are a few different variations of his rose.
Origami Roses, Orange, Designed and Folded by Peter Keller
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Both the flowers themselves and the photography here are really beautiful.
Amaryllis, Designed by Yoshihide Momotani and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s a beautiful potted origami flower plant by Hsi-Min Tai.
Designed and Folded by Hsi-Min Tai
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The partially budded flowers here really make this plant look like it could almost be real.
Freesia laxa, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another incredible potted origami flower plant.
Hydrangea 2010, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s a beautiful Narcissus flower. The colours and everything in this photo is perfect.
Narcissus, Designed by Nilva Fina Pillan and Folded by Andrea Borsa
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Each of these beautiful hydrangea flowers is a single sheet of paper and each leaf is also a single sheet of paper. The whole package looks amazing and was folded for a new year challenge on an origami forum.
Hydrangea, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another beautiful pot of paper flowers that Tran Trung Hieu gave away to another lucky friend.
Desert Evening Primrose, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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I absolutely love the colouring on this pentagonal flower by Luc MARNAT. This is an excellent example of how the kind of paper you use to fold a model can make a huge impact.
FleurPentagonale, Designed and Folded by Luc MARNAT
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Tran Trung Hieu has designed a ton of amazing origami orchids such as this oncidium.
Oncidium 2012, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here are some more of his amazing orchids.
Cattleya of Happiness, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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This Calla Lily was folded for Mother’s Day and certainly would make a fantastic gift.
Calla Lily, Designed and Folded by Winston
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Here we have a whole vine of a made-up species of tropical flowers. I love how it’s growing up the stick in the middle, just like a real vine. Although that stick probably needs to be there to support the whole model…
Tropical Vine, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Morisue Kei has designed an incredible elaborate origami sun flower. The entire flower, leaves and stem is all folded from one sheet of paper!
Sunflower, Designed by Morisue Kei and Folded by sakuryu(╯3╰)
Crease Pattern available in Origami Tanteidan Magazine 131
Tran Trung Hieu has designed an incredible origami Anthurium and I can’t believe how life-like it looks.
Anthurium, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another excellent flower tree. The tree itself is one sheet of paper and each flower is its own sheet of paper.
Tree V2, Designed by Cu’ Kim Ngoc and Folded by Agnieska (Agne) Mackonyte
Tree diagrams available from origami.artists.free.fr
Here’s another beautiful pot full of origami flowers.
Stardrops, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another absolutely amazing looking origami orchid design. This is a specific orchid that grows in the Anatolian regions of Turkey.
Anatolian Orchid (Orchis anatolica), Designed and Folded by Kunsulu
Diagrams available in 4 Esquinas Issue #12
I love the colours used here for these orchids.
Orchid HB, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s a beautiful looking Bird of Paradise flower. The paper used here is incredible and makes the flower look very life-like.
Bird-of-paradise (Strelitzia reginae) flower, Designed and Folded by James Lucas
Diagrams available from Origami USA
Here’s another beautiful origami orchid by Tran Trung Hieu.
Cattleya BC (Brassocattleya), Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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This next origami flower is a species of orchid called a Phalaenopsis or more commonly known as a moth orchid. It’s one of the most popular species of orchid and native to southern Asia, New Zealand and Australia.
Phalaenopsis, Designed and Folded by Hsi-Min Tai
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These summer flare flowers certainly look like a flare or some kind of fireworks or explosion.
Summer Flare, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s something a bit different but quite cute, several origami flowering cacti.
Cactus in a Pot, Designed by David Petty and Folded by Blanka P (blunek)
Diagrams available in Origami 1-2-3
We haven’t seen any crocuses yet and these ones are really beautiful. The flower pot again is a really nice touch.

Crocus, Designed by Yoshihide Momotani and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
Here’s another great little origami flower pot with an excellent choice of paper.
Autumn Flowerpot, Designed and Folded by Peter Keller
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The level of detail on these paper pansies is incredible!
Pansy 1.4, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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This is an older pansy design by Tran Trung Hieu but it’s still fantastic looking.
Pansy, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another beautiful origami orchid. It’s a specific species of orchid called Psychopsis that grows in Central American and the northern part South America.
Psychopsis, Designed and Folded by Winston
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Tran Trung Hieu designed these flowers for a contest and we definitely think they deserve to win.
Erythronium Americanum, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another absolutely incredible Psychopsis design by Andrey Ermakov. This entire model including the pot, stem and flower is all folded from the same sheet of paper! He used a 1m x 2m sheet of paper that’s pink on one side and green on the other. The colour changes in the design make it so the stem is green and everything else is pink which could not have been easy to design! It took 25 hours to fold the whole thing.
Psychopsis krameriana op.127, Designed and Folded by Andrey Ermakov
Here’s another amazing looking pot of origami orchids.
Orchid NVH, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Here’s another beautiful collection of origami roses made by Peter Keller.
Lotus Roses, Designed and Folded by Peter Keller
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Our final image this post is this pot of beautiful looking origami orchids by Tran Trung Hieu.
Orchid-NT2, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu
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Which one of these origami flowers is your favourite? Let us know in the comments and be sure to share this post on your social media if you enjoyed it. It helps a lot.
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